Technical Terms of Surveillance

Dual Stream
It means a channel of video images passing through the video coder, and output 2 independent bit streams.
The resolution, frame rate, bit rate and other parameters of output bit stream can be set independently. The output dual steam can meet different demands, for example, one for hard disk storage and the other for network transmission.

Zero Channel
For remote access, users are able to combine multiple channel videos into one zero channel and save transmission bandwidth.

In conditions with very bright and dark areas, such as at an entrance door in an office building or an entranceway to an indoor parking garage or tunnel, a camera may capture over-exposed images in bright areas and under-exposed images in dark areas, which greatly affects image quality. A camera with WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) can help solve this issue. By combining images with short exposure (for bright areas) and long exposure (for dark areas) into one image, WDR technology captures both bright areas and dark areas clearly.

S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) is a monitoring system for HDDs to detect and report on various indicators of reliability in the hopes of anticipating failures.

Smart Tracking
The Smart Tracking function is an innovative technology for PTZ dome cameras, which can enhance the effectiveness of the video surveillance system. In surveillance scenes where the occasional presence of people or vehicles require special attention (e.g., bank vaults, hotel corridors, parking garages, etc.), smart tracking can be used to detect moving objects and follow their movements until they’re out of view.

Smart IR
The improved Smart IR function adjusts the IR strength to have better visibility depending on specific requirements. Smart IR is usually used to solve the problem of IR over-exposure in close shots.

Rotate Mode
In a vertically-shaped location such as a hallway or corridor, a horizontal-shaped image could result in pixel wastage. Rotate Mode can change the image from horizontal to vertical, so as to maximize pixel usage and avoid wasting bandwidth and storage space.

In some surveillance scenarios, users pay special attention only to a certain region instead of the entire image. The region that attracts special attention is known as the region of interest, or ROI. The ROI encoding method was developed to provide different compression levels between the ROI and background information in order to capture clearer key information without increasing the overall bitrate. The application of ROI encoding technology helps to conserve bandwidth and optimize the bitrate resource allocation, thus ensuring the image quality of the region of interest.

The most advanced iris control technology, P-iris, which allows for keeping accurate and consistent sharpness and depth of view.

Privacy mask
Privacy mask is used to block or mask certain areas of a scene from viewing and recording to protect privacy.

Motion Detection
If there is any motion in the configured detection area, the camera will automatically detect the event and can trigger preconfigured alarms or recording. Users can set sensitivity level, detection area, and arming schedule accordingly.

Line Crossing Detection
If a person crosses a pre-defined virtual line, the camera will automatically detect the event and can trigger alarms or recording if pre-configured to do so.

Cameras with the ICR (IR Cut filter Removable) function have a mechanical IR filter that filters infrared light during the day to correct color casts caused by infrared light. At night the camera removes the filter automatically to let infrared light pass through, enhancing night visibility.

n conditions with a strong light source towards the camera, there will be over-exposed areas, or “high light.” The HLC (High Light Compensation) function can automatically recognize and constrain the high light to make objects more distinguishable.

cameras adopt 3D digital noise reduction to provide images with less noise in low-light surveillance scenes compared to conventional cameras. 3D DNR can be used to enhance image quality and save bandwidth.

Digital Watermark
Digital watermark technology embeds the device information onto the recorded video. Digital watermarks may be used to verify the authenticity or integrity of the video or to show the identity of its owners.

By modeling the imaging features of smoke, dust, fog, etc., defog technology effectively restores details and color to obtain accurate and natural video. Defog technology helps maintain clarity in images captured in poor weather conditions such as rain, smog, or fog.

BLC (Backlight Compensation) compensates for the luminance of video captured in a backlit environment, while maintaining the luminance of the overall video sequence. Simply put, BLC enables objects that appear dark to be visible against a very bright background such as in front of a window or entrance. BLC is usually effective for some specific region in the video, as the background is usually overexposed.

HD vs. Analog vs. IP ROI (Region of Interest) Encoding Technology

